
Showing posts from 2020

Earth started healing during lockdown??

On occasion of World environment day on June 5!! This year, environment day become more practical with respective to the nature. Every year we were doing, such as shutdown activities on which affects on nature only for some time. But this year nature itself got an opportunity from us by the COVID-19 lockdown.  I want to post few of the pics which I have taken beauty of nature which started roll back.  Please have cautiosness against our nature such as plants, water, soil and all other beings. Don't spoil the life chain system. Don't pollute nature belongings. We can use it but we don't have rights to spoil and earradicate.  A bird nest with small eggs in it. VERY BEAUTIFUL ENGINEERING right..isn't it??? A very greenish spota tree leaves. Just have a look... Below are popaya raw bunch of fruits at home.. All of these posted because real happiness creates only when we stay with our mother nature. SO, try to plant small saplings in your home or possible places for you. Sho

Delhi air pollution started increasing after lock down??

Air pollution levels in the nation's capital Delhi are always high.  The capital city is always exposed to pollution due to industries, automobile fumes and other construction related activities.  The winter situation is no more.  Obviously, objects can be seen from a distance of 100 meters, except for a dense fog at 8 and 9 am.  Motorists are having a hard time finding the roads in November and December.  Air pollution in Delhi dropped significantly between March 22 and May 18 due to the lockdown.  Air pollution levels in Delhi have declined by 79 per cent, the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) said today. The closure of industries, vehicle traffic, and construction halt are the reasons for the reduction in pollution, CSE said.  However, pollution levels have risen again in Delhi and some other major cities, with further deregulation of vehicle traffic and construction on Lockdown after May 18.  The Center for Science and Environment (CSE) has studied PM 2.5 (air pollutant)

Carona alert..WHO instructed new reference on face masks!!

The World Health Organization has issued a new reference to Face Mask.  While in the midst of the crowd suggested to put on the face mask.  It states that it is necessary to prevent the spread of corona virus.  The World Health Organization believes in its latest indication that the mask protects the virus from infected tubers.  In fact, some countries have already ordered strict masking in public areas.  Although WHO has previously argued that healthy people have no clue what to do with masks, WWHO technical experts, Dr. Maria van Kerkov, said that masks should be placed in areas where there is a risk of spreading the virus.

Carona virus

    This article about the Carona virus impacts the current pandemic situation around the globe which made it suffers most of the human beings and other species. The new decayed started with this pandemic situation, the WHO has announced early of this year 2020 and we have been suffering a lot with this virus most of the countries around the world. I can say 100 plus countries impacted. This Virus has born and brought up at Wuhan city in China. And spread across the world.  I want to distinguish my opinion on the various sectors and how the mother earth has taken this pandemic situation. 1. Economy/GDP:       The world economy is totally stagged. Most of the people lost their jobs and daily laborers, few industrial sectors and the food sector has gone down with this impact. As per most of the sources, the countries GDP will go down in this second and third quarters. It may slowly exponentially increase at the ending of the fourth quarter. Till the time, we have to s