Carona virus

    This article about the Carona virus impacts the current pandemic situation around the globe which made it suffers most of the human beings and other species.

The new decayed started with this pandemic situation, the WHO has announced early of this year 2020 and we have been suffering a lot with this virus most of the countries around the world. I can say 100 plus countries impacted. This Virus has born and brought up at Wuhan city in China. And spread across the world. 

I want to distinguish my opinion on the various sectors and how the mother earth has taken this pandemic situation.

1. Economy/GDP:
      The world economy is totally stagged. Most of the people lost their jobs and daily laborers, few industrial sectors and the food sector has gone down with this impact.

As per most of the sources, the countries GDP will go down in this second and third quarters. It may slowly exponentially increase at the ending of the fourth quarter. Till the time, we have to stay with this economical situation.

2. Human Life:

    With this impact, most of the lives put in the danger zone, and interaction with other people become more cautious in this period. A lot of people have died with this virus.  
    Lives are so important for each individual. So we have to respect each other with hygen.  

 It is spreading across the globe very rapidly which increases death rates slowly.
As of now, below are the stats which resembles impacted countries:

Present Coronavirus cases in the world (as of June 04, 2020, 06:43 GMT): 
Source from:



To get safe, please stay home stay safe.

Finally, to get boost up your immune system naturally and hygienic methods, please follow below tips:

1. Wash your hands properly every time more than 20seconds.
2. Drink water early morning 1-1.5 ltr.
3. Drink turmeric tea (golden tea)/milk everyday morning after water.
4. Wash any vegetables bring from outside, any packed grocery items, and if anything acceptable with water. Please do so and keep it outside of the home/under sunlight for some time.
5. Take Vitamin C food items like Lemon, Orange, Raw mangoes, etc..

6. Always wear a mask if you go outside of your home.
7. Clean your house on daily basis with any kinds of floor cleaners. 
8. Avoid direct contact with hand to your eyes, nose, and mouth. Please use any alternate such as towels/napkins. 

Affect on Mother Earth with this situation:

     This pandemic situation created, the world has gone into quarantine/lockdown (it means all of us stayed back at home). So after such a long time, nature has got a relaxing time, I can say recovery time. Nature has started cleaning up by itself. Most of the other species has walked away from forests. Rivers and air pollution have decreased. All are started recovering from the pollution that we did till now. 


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