List of Indian States, capitals
India comprises 29 States and seven Union Territories. A Chief Minister is an elected head of the local government in a State for a five-year term and can serve unlimited number of terms. Union Territories, unlike States, are directly ruled by the central government. But some Union Territories in India have a local legislature and a chief minister (such as Delhi or Chandigarh). Indian States and Capitals: States (in alphabetical order) Capital City Andhra Pradesh Amravathi [*Hyderabad initially] Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar Assam Dispur Bihar Patna Chhattisgarh Raipur Goa Panaji Gujarat Gandhinagar Haryana Chandigarh (shared with Punjab) Himachal Pradesh Shimla Jammu & Kashmir Srinagar (Summer) Jammu (Winter) Jharkhand Ranchi Karnataka Bangalore Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Madhya Pr...